Some new regulations in the network made some minor changes to your installation necessary. If you update to rev 1.0.4 from any prior versions please change the telpac_aci entry in your crontab: old version: # TelPac AutoCheckIn 30 * * * * root /usr/local/sbin/ new version: # TelPac AutoCheckIn 30 * * * * root /usr/local/sbin/telpac_aci -q (please adjust the path to your requirements) This will start the Auto-Check-In feature regular now, where in the past it was only started if there was no telpac-traffic during last update period. Furthermore please delete the start of a script for an APRS-beacon of your telpac node if you had it installed. The software itself did not change from 1.0.2 on, only the version number and the documentation, from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 also the hostfile-sample changed to the new CMS hosts.