20120310 dl5di first release 20120630 dl5di second release with major changes Client: tcpdump/windump: - read 9 bytes more of header - decoding of master-2-master keep-alives allows more than 1 master per network - decoding of RSS (signal below/above roaming level) - bugfix repeater-id (4 bytes instead of 3) - new data format, additional and modified fields Server: MySQL database: - several fields added to database DMR-monitor receiver: - read new data format with additional and modified fields - split new fields and write it to database Tools: - convert user AND repeater IDs from MARC website Web-scripts: - perl scripts removed completely, no longer compatibel, all changed to php - read repeater IDs from SQL-DB (allows hot update, no new restart necessary) - RSS added - masters marked in net table More details may be found in the head of the scripts. Please note that version 20120310 and 201206xx are not compatible, client and server must be updated parallel! June 30th 2012 is the release date, some components and binaries may report june 08th.